This course has already ended.

The latest instance of the course can be found at: COMP.CS.140 Ohjelmointi 3: Rajapinnat ja tekniikat: spring-2024


You must pass the exam in order to receive the course grade.

The exam can be taken during certain time periods that are called exam-windows. Each exam-window closes at 23:59 on the last day of the window.

Enrol for the exam in the Sisu system. To avoid enrolment errors, only the enrolment for the exam of the current exam-window is available in Sisu. The enrolment for the next exam opens once the enrolment for the previous exam closes.

Remember to enrol!

Your course grade cannot be recorded unless you enrol for the exam in Sisu. Furthermore, the enrolment must be for the exam you have actually taken. You can enrol late in Sisu, while the time window of your exam is still open. If the window has been closed, send email to Mika Saari ( to enrol late.

There are three exam-windows:

  • The first window is open from 8.12.2023 to 14.1.2024.

  • The second window is open from 22.1.2024 to 18.2.2024.

  • The third window is open from 26.2.2024 to 24.3.20243.

The exam is electronic and it is taken in the EXAM system that is available in dedicated computer labs and accessible rooms of the Tampere University. Reserve a computer for the exam at the time and place of your choice. EXAM sends an email confirming your reservation. You can check the number of the computer allotted to you from this email. Familiarise yourself with the EXAM instructions, if you have not used EXAM before.

The exam lasts 55 minutes.

You may take the exam in a individual accessible exam room, if you belong to the risk group for the severe coronavirus disease. Please, contact Mika Saari via email (, if you need additional time for the exam. Attach your proposal for individual study arrangements to your email.

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions. The questions may be accompanied by Java programs or code fragments, but actual programming is not required. NetBeans is not currently installed on the EXAM computers.

The exam is evaluated on the pass or fail scale. You will pass, if you gather at least half of the available points. The exam results are not published in Plussa or otherwise, because EXAM evalutes your answers automatically after you have submitted them and sends an email that has a link to your exam result.

Since you can take the exam at most three times during its time window, you have a total of nine exam attempts.

The grades are recorded in Sisu mainly in larger batches. Please, contact the responsible teachers, if you need to have your grade ahead of the schedule, for example, because you are graduating.

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