This course has already ended.

The latest instance of the course can be found at: COMP.CS.140 Ohjelmointi 3: Rajapinnat ja tekniikat: spring-2024

Course Staff and Contact Information


When contacting the course staff by email always include your student id number and your home campus into your message. When contacting the teachers through their personal email, also remember to mention the course name.

The main way to contact course staff is using the general course email: If you have questions of a personal nature, email the teachers in charge directly. These include illness, proposals for special arrangements and other similar issues. Do not send doctor’s certificates or your proposal for special arrangements by email!

The teachers in charge of the course are Heikki Hyyrö and Terhi Kilamo.

  • Mika Saari

    • Course responsiblity: answering hours, course material and course project

    • University Consortium of Pori


  • Terhi Kilamo

    • Course responsiblity: answering hours, course material and Plussa

    • Tietotalo TF108, Hervanta campus


Additionally a group of teaching assistants help with the course project and with the weekly course tasks. They can be reached through the course email address.

The course has a Mattermost channel Students&Staff:COMP.CS.140 Ohjelmointi 3/Programming 3 in use for real time chatting. Use your address as your username and on first signin create an account here. The role of the Mattermost channel is to act a low treshold discussion community on the course topics. You can ask about anything related to the course on the channel and chat about the excercises among the students. First and fullmost, Mattermost is a peer support channel. The course staff follows the discussion and answers questions to the best of their abilities. The staff cannot promise to notice all questions so it is advisable to use email in case of larger problems. For small things other students may be the fastest way to get help.

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