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Known Issues

This information concerns the A+ platform, as it is provided. Institutions using A+, as well as creators of course content (teachers) are free to customise their content and styles, which may change the compliance described here.

Note that A+ requires JavaScript support in the web browser or user agent. In particular, all assignments embedded in content chapters depend on JavaScript in order to load correctly.

At present, A+ partly complies with the defined requirements for accessibility. Further improvements are needed, especially:

  • Some elements of the service are not keyboard accessible. In particular, assignments embedded in content chapters depend on modal dialogs that sometimes can not be easily accessed with the keyboard. The modal dialogs are used to show the feedback of the user's submissions. However, assignments can always be opened in a separate full view that does not use any modal dialogs. In the full view, the feedback can be opened easily with the keyboard. The full view can be accessed from the content chapter when you navigate to the embedded assignment frame with the keyboard. The link to the full view is located right above the assignment frame and it becomes visible only when it is focused on with the keyboard.
  • Some interface elements are unlabelled or unclearly labelled. In particular, form fields in assignments may have non-unique ID attribute values. However, we have already fixed most of these issues.
  • Resizing only the text of the page using the browser does not work reliably. At least, the points table in the Your points section in courses has overflowing content when the text size is increased in the browser.
  • The language of parts of the content can’t always be ascertained programmatically (the language of pages typically can be).

Further detail can be seen in the results of the self-evaluation carried out in summer 2020.

We are actively working to address the accessibility issues that have been identified.

This summary was last updated in June 2022.